Reflective Essay (Food of Paradise)


        The Food of Paradise is a story by Shihab al-Din Ahmad Ibn Majid al Najdi, more commonly known as Ibn Majid. He is one of the most prominent writers in the field of Arabian Literature.

Ibn Majid (c.14th century)

The story is considered as one of the most important masterpieces ever produced. It tackles a story of hope and faith that deals with the divinity and religious beliefs towards Allah. This may be the result of the culture on the Arabic lands whereas Allah is considered a great figure towards them. They have high respects for him and, thus, relating many stories that can be associated by his greatness.

Said Halim Pasha


         The story mentioned about a Pasha, which is a high-ranking officer in the Ottoman Empire, and North Africa. It was given to soldiers and high civil officials, not to men of religion, and was purely personal and not hereditary, except in 19th-century Egypt. Very occasionally in early times it was applied to a woman; Validepasha was the title of the mother of the pasha in Egypt. They were known to be wealthy and powerful. This explains why Ibrahim was waiting beside the river, as a pasha might sail down the river and supply his needs with golden dishes and cups. 

        Mullahs are religious leaders who have studied Islamic traditions and Islamic law. They are expected to have memorized the Qu’ran, which is their holy book. They teach in schools known as a Madrasah. At the part where Ibrahim thought about his sorry state and questioned the decision of Allah, even if he had faith in him, was because being a Mullah, in some cases are ill-paid despite their hard work. This is why he left his job. When he walked out of Baghdad he lived without food. And when he received food, it was in the form of residuals of cosmetics for use by princess for the bath, he realized how he was happy in Madrasah. Hence, it can be said that have faith in God in all respects. What he decides, is the best decision ever for anyone of us. 

A Mullah praying in
Hamzah Tabriz

     As Ibrahim said in his final quotes, “Allah surely gives food to everyone; but its quality and kind are dictated by what man deserves.”. This is where he realizes that he was too concentrated about stuff that he doesn’t have. That he failed to appreciate what he does have. Just like some or even most of us, we question God about our life status. We, at times, don't know the word contentment. We want a good and convenient life, but we remain lazy and wait for blessings instead. We should appreciate what we have, before time makes us appreciate what we had.


        I have come to a conclusion that the story tells us how, sometimes, we focus so much on what we don't have, that we fail to see, acknowledge, appreciate, and use what we do have. As faith in the name of God is not enough. One has to keep faith in whatever God has given us and whatever God will give.
