Pardo Nite 2019

                                       "Pardo Nite 2019"

Dr.Joseph Stephen A. Descallar     

giving an inspirational message.     

Kindergarten pupils leading the Doxology

Dr. Fransisca T. Uy giving the words of welcome

This event was held at Santo Tomas de Villuanueva Parish located in Cebu City. The event started at about 7:15 pm starting with the Doxology which is led by the Kindergarten pupils.Followed by the Philippine National Anthem,Words of welcome were said by Dr. Fransisca T. Uy,and an inspirational message by our school president Dr. Joseph Stephen A. Descallar.
Which was also followed by several  production numbers. And performances.                                                                       
Then the Presentation proper began. First presentors were the selected elementary pupils. Followed by the PTA, the selected Junior High pupils, The Voice-ACT then, the Senior High, and lastly, the ACT-Exalt.

A message was given by Rev. Fr. Leonilo Igloria. An  acknowledgement from the school principal was also given by Ms. Nina Teresa C. Alilin. 
Then,the ACT Jingle was sung. The event ended at about 9:40 pm.

More pictures below:

Production numbers

